
Changes for Abstract Submission


Conflict of Interest Disclosure

A new field is added to the submission process where conflicts of interest should be disclosed.

The Submitting Author of the abstract must enter a statement on behalf of all authors of the abstract, describing any competing and/or relevant financial interest. All potential sources of bias, including affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships, that may constitute conflicts of interest should be listed. If the abstract is accepted, the statement is required to be included on the poster, or if selected as a talk, included in the slide immediately following title slide. See conference Presenter Guidelines for details.

If there are no conflicts to declare, please enter: “The authors declare no competing financial interest.”

Presenter Demographics Questions

Questions are now added that provide demographic information about the designated PRESENTER. These include questions on current job sector, current career stage, gender, and underrepresented community status. The information is collected to help ASMS arrange oral sessions that remain diverse, balanced, and appropriately reflect the composition of the membership. Presenters will not be penalized or overlooked for any given response, or for the selection of the “Do Not Wish to Provide” option.

The questions (and answers) do NOT appear on the abstract submission confirmation email.