2nd Winter Conference on Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry in Microbial Sciences
January 29 - February 1, 2026
La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel | Santa Fe, NM
Organizers: Alison Scott (University of Maryland), Vanessa Phelan (University of Colorado), Laura-Isobel McCall (San Diego State University)
About the Conference: Microbial sciences represent a rapidly growing space for the development and application of mass spectrometry-based techniques. Over the past 40 years, notable advances in this field include: MS-based microbial diagnostics, elucidation of novel pathogenic mechanisms, development of mass spectrometry approaches to enable discovery of new natural products, and advancements in data analysis tools for investigating non-canonical organisms. Due to rapid advancements in mass spectrometry technology and informatics, the application of mass spectrometry to microbial sciences has reached an inflection point and we expect exponential growth of this field in coming years.
The conference will showcase leading work in the development (e.g., instrumentation, methods, data analysis, etc.) and application (e.g., natural products discovery, biotransformation, microbiome research, etc.) of mass spectrometry to microbial systems. Join us for a unique opportunity to gather mass spectrometrists and forward-thinking microbiologists.