
Student/Post-Doc Travel Stipends

Application Deadline: December 6, 2024

Travel stipends of up to $750 each available are available to graduate students and post-docs within two years of first appointment. Stipend recipients will also receive complimentary registration.

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Eligibility & Requirements

  • Applicant must be a full-time graduate student or post-doc within two years of first appointment.
  • Applicant must not have received Sanibel, Fall Workshop, Asilomar Conference nor Annual Conference Graduate Student travel award within the calendar year of the conference.
  • Limit of one applicant per group (student or post-doc).
  • ASMS membership, preference will be given to applicants that are current ASMS members.
  • Applicants must submit an abstract for conference presentation. The abstract must be submitted separately from the travel stipend application. A copy of the submission should be included with application for stipend.
  • Letter of recommendation from advisor. Applicant may upload in the online application or advisor may email directly to Letter must be received by the application deadline.

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