
Abstract Submission

A limited number of posters and short talks will be selected from submitted abstracts for presentation at the Winter Conference.  The earlier you submit your abstract the better chance it will have for being promoted to a talk. Invited speakers, please do not submit an abstract, abstract submission is intended for attendees that wish to present a poster or be selected for a short talk. Abstracts are not published, they are used only to judge for posters and short talks.

The Sanibel Committee and the conference organizers reserve the right to reject any poster which is judged to be inappropriate or which promotes a commercial or personal interest perspective. 

Go to Abstract Submission  |  Deadline is December 13, 2024

Session Preference Options for Abstract Submission

Poster. This option is available to any interested person (student through PI, all sectors).

Short Talk. There are a very limited number of these slots available. Abstracts not selected for hot topic short talk will be contacted to confirm poster-only presentation. Abstracts which are selected will give oral presentation only (no poster).

Applying for a Travel Stipend for Students or Post-docs?

If you are applying for a student or post-doc travel stipend, you must submit your abstract by the application deadline. You will need to save your submission confirmation email as a document (PDF is preferred).

More About Abstracts and the Sanibel Conference

Please note that abstracts (for posters, poster highlight talks and hot topic talks) are not published. The spirit of the ASMS Sanibel Conference is to encourage discussion about the latest (unpublished) research in a topic area.