Sponsor the Winter Conference on Mass Spectrometry in Microbial Sciences
ASMS welcomes corporate sponsors of the Winter Conference. Each year a new topic is selected. This small, focused conference (80 - 120 people) can provide a company a unique opportunity to reach highly-targeted customers.
Winter Conference Reception Sponsor (limit 3), $3,500. Support an evening reception Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Sponsors receive a full-page black & white advertisement in the program, logo on walk-in slides, tabletop for display of company literature, option to display a corporate poster for one day, and the option to have a company representative give a brief (5-minute max) welcome to the evening’s reception.
Deadline: While supply lasts.
How-To Sign-Up
Download and complete the SPONSORSHIP FORM and submit with payment. Sponsorships will be assigned the order in which form and payment are received. If you have any questions regarding your company's involvement at the Winter Conference, please contact brent@asms.org.