
Short Courses

1- and 2-day short courses will be offered in-person at the 73rd ASMS Conference in Baltimore. Registration for all short courses is ADVANCE only. There is no on-site course registration. Please plan accordingly referencing the deadlines below. In addition, some courses sell-out before the deadlines.

Registration for the short courses in Baltimore is open. Short course registration appears on the same online registration used for the conference. It is possible to register for a short course only, annual conference registration is not required. Short Course fees are listed at the bottom of this page.

  • All short courses are subject to close before the April 30 advance registration deadline based on class size limits set by instructors.
  • Late registration for all courses closes on May 23. There is no onsite registration for short courses.
  • Read the description for the short course as some courses require specific prerequisites. To help with this, we asked the instructors to rate the level of their course as (Introductory/Intermediate/Advanced). 

Short Course lists below are preliminary and subject to change.

Online-only Short Courses: December 2025

We will continue to offer online-only short courses asynchronous to the annual conference. We will announce the next round of online-only short courses late summer or early fall. 

2-Day Courses on May 31-June 1

  • + View list with links to description and summary slides.

1-Day Courses on May 31 or June 1

  • + View list with links to description and summary slides.

Short Course Fees 

Advance deadline is April 30. After April 30, fees increase by $50. Fees include advance download of course slides (download link sent via email 3-4 days before the course, e.g, May 27 or 28), lunch, and coffee breaks. Cancellation Policy: $50 processing fee for cancellation notices received by before May 15. After May 15, no refunds.

  • Two-Day Courses: $500 for ASMS members ($550 after April 30); $850 for non-members ($900 after April 30); $180 for students ($230 after April 30).
  • One-Day Courses: $375 for ASMS members ($425 after April 30); $625 for non-members ($675 after April 30); $100 for students ($150 after April 30).

Courses in Baltimore will follow this schedule each day:

8:00 am, Badge printing opens in the lobby of the convention center
9:00-10:15 am, Course instruction
10:15-10:45 am, Coffee break
10:45am-12 pm, Course Instruction
12:00-1:00 pm, Lunch (provided by ASMS)
1:00-2:15 pm, Course instruction
2:15-2:45 pm, Coffee break
2:45-5:00 pm, Course instruction

What to Expect If You Are Registered for a Short Course

On the first day of your course, Saturday or Sunday depending on your course, come to the Baltimore Convention Center at 8:00 am to print your name badge. Collect your conference bag, program booklet, special short course notebook in the badge-printing area. You will also receive a map of the convention center indicating the location of your course.

A download link will be sent to students with slides and other materials prepared by instructors on Tuesday, May 27 or Wednesday, May 28. Note that timing is dependent upon instructors providing the info to the office.