Travel to / from SJC or SFO Aiports
From these airports to Monterey / Asilomar you may choose to rent a car or take the Groome Monterey shuttle service (formerly known as Monterey Airbus). From SFO to Asilomar the fee is $97 one-way and from SJC the fee is $81 one-way when you book online. The Groome website includes their schedule for to / from these major airports.
The standard shuttle stop is the 'Monterey Shuttle Stop' in downtown Monterey on 438 Calle Principal. This is 3.5 miles from Asilomar Conference Center. An Uber or Lyft from the shuttle stop to Asilomar Conference Center will be the final step of your journey.
To reserve a drop-off or pick-up at Asilomar Conference Center you must reserve your ride at least 72-hours in advance.
You might get lucky with an Uber/Lyft from SJC or SFO, but you should NOT count on using these rideshare services from Asilomar TO the San Jose or San Francisco airports. We have had numerous experiences of drivers cancelling this long trip, especially in the morning! For travel to SJC or SFO (for your return), schedule the Groome Monterey shuttle service at least 72 hours in advance. If you reserve within 48 hours you will need to catch the shuttle at their downtown Monterey Shuttle Stop.
Travel to / from MRY Airport
There are no taxis, but Uber/Lyft are available. For a return to the MRY airport, if you depart early in the morning, give yourself some extra time to get a response for Uber/Lyft driver. Drivers are typically available at all hours for the quick trip to the MRY airport (10 miles).