
John B. Fenn Distinguished Contribution

Photo of  John B. Fenn

The ASMS Award for Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry is named to honor the memory of John B. Fenn who shared the 2002  Nobel Prize for the development of electrospray Ionization. John joined ASMS in 1986 and remained an active member until his passing in 2010. 

The John B. Fenn Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry recognizes a focused or singular achievement in fundamental or applied mass spectrometry in contrast to awards that recognize lifetime  achievement. Eligibility is restricted to members of ASMS. Nominations will be held for three years. The award is conferred at the ASMS Annual Conference with the presentation of a $10,000 cash award, a recognition plaque, and the award lecture.

Nomination deadline is November 30. 

Eligibility & How To Submit a Nomination

GO TO ONLINE AWARDS PLATFORM to start your nomination [platform will reopen in June 2025]. You will register (create) an account with our special awards platform and then get started by selecting 'John B. Fenn Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry' from the dropdown list of awards.  

Nominee must be a current member of ASMS.

Information & Elements Needed for Nomination

  • Nominee name, affiliation, position title, email, mobile phone number, and ASMS member status.
  • Nominator name and email.
  • 1-2 concise sentence(s) to state a focused or singular achievement in basic or applied mass spectrometry (50 words max). This may be excerpted from the fuller description document.
  • Fuller description of the nominee's a focused or singular achievement in basic or applied mass spectrometry (1-page max). PDF only.
  • List of the nominee’s publications pertaining to the significant achievement. PDF only.
  • Specific publications relevant to the achievement. Up to two articles, one is required. 
  • Two support letters. Gather and upload the two letters OR choose to send a special upload link via the awards platform.


Nominations are held for three years.

Jennifer S. Brodbelt, 2024 Recipient

Distinguished - Brodbelt PicJennifer S. Brodbelt is the recipient of the 2024 ASMS John B. Fenn Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry for the development and applications of UltraViolet PhotoDissociation (UVPD) as a powerful ion fragmentation method for structural elucidation of biomolecules. Jenny Brodbelt has championed UVPD by:

  • exploring its fundamental underpinnings,
  • implementing and optimizing UVPD on an array of mass spectrometer platforms,
  • developing innovative strategies to extend the impact and range of UVPD for analytical workflows, and
  • showcasing its utility for numerous biological applications.

Jenny began her independent career in 1989, and a key overarching goal of her research program has been the development of new ion activation methods for tandem mass spectrometry.  She has been driven by understanding how ions dissociate, and she aimed to explore alternative ion activation methods to overcome some of the deficits of other activation methods, including widely used collision dissociation methods. The theme of using UV photons to energize and dissociate ions has permeated nearly all of her group’s work in the past decade, as evidenced by the large compilation of pertinent publications.

In addition to managing an impressive research program, Jenny is an uplifting influence to many students, colleagues, and friends who share her interest in sports and karaoke!

Dr. Brodbelt is the Rowland Pettit Centennial Chair in Chemistry and Larry R. Faulkner Departmental Chair for Excellence in Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin.

Download full 2024 ASMS Awards Announcement