
Oral Presenters

Purchase your ASMS oral presentation

You can purchase the recording of an oral presentation (ppt slides & audio) if it is your presentation or if you have permission from the presenter. Please fill out this form and return to

Special webinar!  Tips & Tricks to Deliver Your Best Presentation at the ASMS

A special webinar was presented by Silvia Balbo (Univ of Minnesota and session chair at ASMS 2024) on May 21. VIEW WEBINAR RECORDING

Proceedings Submission for All Orals is Required by June 6

Submit your talk slides (edited if you wish) or an extended abstract.


What is a conflict of interest disclosure?

A statement on behalf of all authors describing any competing and/or relevant financial interest. All potential sources of bias, including affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships, that may constitute conflicts of interest should be listed.

If there are no conflicts to declare, simply include this statement: The authors declare no competing financial interest.

What to Do at the Conference

  • Take your presentation to the Speaker Ready Room in 209A (Level 2) at least one day prior to your talk to upload your presentation to the AV network. You may NOT load presentations in the session room. Technicians will be in the Speaker Ready Room to assist with your presentation upload. Speaker Ready Room is open Sunday 10am-8pm and Monday-Thursday 7:30am-2pm.
  • There will be a sample 'speaker table (aka podium)' set-up in the Speaker Ready Room so that you will know what equipment will be available to you. You will use a MOUSE at the table when you present (not a laser pointer). 
  • Arrive in the session room 30 minutes before the start of your session to introduce yourself to the session chair. 

Important Info for Your Presentation Slides Prep

  • Remember to include conflict of interest disclosure on your first or second slide (see below list for more info). This is new since 2023. If there are no conflicts to declare, simply include this statement: The author(s) declare no competing financial interest. Find more info on COI at the bottom of this page.
  • Plan your talk for 17 minutes MAX. The remaining 3 minutes of your slot will be for speaker transition and Q&A.
  • ASMS policy states that institutional or company logos may appear only once (NOT on every slide). Please take care to respect this rule.
  • Presentation File type: Preferred is PowerPoint (PPT). If you are unable to use PowerPoint, Keynote or PDF will be acceptable. NOTE: The 'Notes' view in PowerPoint will NOT be available. If you need notes during your presentation, please print them in advance and bring them with you.
  • Prepare your presentation with 16:9 aspect ratio. Most session rooms are LARGE – seating 700-1,000 people. Be sure your visuals are clear and very legible.