
Proceedings Submission

All Presentations (orals and poster) Must Upload a PDF for the Proceedings

Failure to provide a PDF for your presentation could impact your future acceptance for a poster or talk.


What do I upload for my Oral?

This may be your talk slides saved as PDF or an extended abstract saved as PDF (graphs and figures are permissible). 

What do I upload for my Poster?

This may be the actual poster you presented (saved as PDF) it may also be an extended abstract, figures are fine, saved as PDF.

How to Upload Your Proceedings File

USE CHROME BROWSWER. We are now aware that there is a browser incompatiblity with Firefox (hanging or incomplete upload OR file disappearing after upload).

Follow these simple steps 1-4 to upload your PDF for the conference proceedings.

If you cannot figure this out or you are not the presenting author, PLEASE email your file to Your file MUST be labeled with your poster or oral presentation code. For example, MP 999_My poster title.pdf.

  1. Go to Abstract site (you will be prompted to login to ASMS, if you are not already signed in). If the hyperlink does not function, please go to in a new tab on your browser.

  2. Select the click 'View my Drafts and Submissions'.

  3. Click the blue upload icon for each submitted/accepted abstract and proceed to upload your PDF.
  4. If you are submitting author for more than one abstract, select the 'Home' tab after your first upload and repeat steps 2-3.

Need additional help? View this how-to document with screenshots of the process. If you cannot figure this out or you are the presenting author, PLEASE just email your file to Your file MUST be labeled with your poster or oral presentation code. For example, MP 999_My poster title.pdf.

You may replace a previously uploaded file through the June 6 deadline. To replace your already uploaded PDF. Return to abstract site and click your abstract title. A window will appear allowing you to delete a submission and update.

What is the Conference Proceedings and Why Is It Important?

The official ASMS Conference Proceedings is a valuable record of the oral and poster presentations at the meeting. A submission for each Oral and each Poster is required to create a full digital record in the now Online Proceedings. Since 1997 the Proceedings have existed digitally (CD-ROM and now online-only). In the early years a post-conference book (1,000+ pages was printed). Members of ASMS have access to the all past year Proceedings for the duration of their active member status. Non-member conference attendees have access for to the Proceedings for the conference attendeed through 12/31 of the same year (limited access).

Access the Past Conference Proceedings Now

Go to Publications > Abstracts & Proceedings page. You must be signed in as a member to see links on the page. This page will link you into the Proceedings microsite (online), but also has links to the printed volumes of past years. Non-member conference attendees will have access once the Proceedings for this year go live following the conference.

Submission Deadline for Conference Proceedings Files is June 6

The conference proceedings upload is required and a responsibilty for the submitting author of all accepted abstracts. The abstract acceptance notices sent in March alerted all submitting authors to this requirement and responsibility. Failure to upload may prohibit your ability to present at ASMS 2024.

PDF format only for uploads. Any non-PDF uploads will be deleted before the Proceedings is made available.

NOTE: ONLY the Submitting author may upload file for the proceedings. 

Scroll down for instructions for 'How to Upload Your Proceedings File'.

What can I upload for my Poster?

This may be the actual poster you presented (saved as PDF) it may also be a longer abstract, figures are fine, saved as PDF.

What can I upload for my Oral?

This may be your talk slides saved as PDF or an extended abstract saved as PDF (graphs and figures are permissible).

How to Upload Your Proceedings File

Follow these simple steps 1-4 to upload your PDF for the conference proceedings.

If you cannot figure this out or you are the presenting author, PLEASE just email your file to Your file MUST be labeled with your poster or oral presentation code. For example, MP 999_My poster title.pdf.

  1. Go to Abstract site (you will be prompted to login to ASMS, if you are not already signed in). If the hyperlink does not function, please go to in a new tab on your browser.

  2. Select the click 'View my Drafts and Submissions'.

  3. Click the blue upload icon for each submitted/accepted abstract and proceed to upload your PDF.
  4. If you are submitting author for more than one abstract, select the 'Home' tab after your first upload and repeat steps 2-3.

Need additional help? View this how-to document with screenshots of the process. If you cannot figure this out or you are the presenting author, PLEASE just email your file to Your file MUST be labeled with your poster or oral presentation code. For example, MP 999_My poster title.pdf.

Can you edit your proceedings submission (replace your PDF)? Yes, as long as this is done by June 16. To replace your already uploaded PDF. Return to abstract site and click your abstract title. A window will appear allowing you to delete a submission and update.

Note to Submitting Authors of Orals : ASMS will substitute a PDF of the slides from a speakers talk if the speaker fails to submit to the Proceedings in one of the formats above. Please take action on your own, the upload of 100's of missing files is time consuming and delays the release of the Proceedings for all.

More About the Conference Proceedings

The official ASMS Conference Proceedings is a valuable record of the oral and poster presentations at the meeting. Authors are strongly required to submit their contributions to the Proceedings. Posters and slides from oral presentations may be submitted in their entirety. Alternatively, a summary of the presentation including representative figures (an "extended abstract") may be prepared.

PDF format is required. Refer to the following resources for preparation of your submission:
  1. Guidelines for Preparation of "extended abstract"
  2. Guidance for Generation of PDF (for Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft products).