About ASMS

Add ORCID to Your Profile


We are now collecting ORCID Identifier for all ASMS.org members and users. The ORCID iD's of current members will be used to improve the ASMS Bibliometric Project .

Every five years the ASMS Bibliometric Project undergoes a data update. New this year, we are collecting ORCID Identifiers in the profile area for all ASMS members. The ORCID iD's entered into ASMS.org profiles by the end of 2024 will be used to improve the accuracy of the pending bibliometric network update.

How-To (It's Easy!)

  1. Login to this website and click 'My Account' (below your name in upper right corner) to open Your Summary in a new tab.
  2. Select 'Edit Profile' (screenshot 1) and then proceed to add your ORCID Identifier in the field provided (see screenshot 2).
  3. Be sure to SAVE by scrolling to the bottom of page and clicking the 'SAVE' button.
Screenshot 1 (click image to view full size)
Summary-Edit ORCID
Screenshot 2 (click image to view full size)
Edit Profile ORCID

ORCID LogoNeed More Info About ORCID Identifiers?

If you are not familiar with ORCID or you wish to create one for yourself, please go HERE.