
Discussion Group Speaker Travel

  1. To support vibrant seminar programs at local MS discussion groups
  2. To increase exposure of students at non-PhD granting institutions to research in mass spectrometry
  3. To promote exposure and professional development of young MS professionals at the onset of an independent research career.

Eligible Speakers + Sign up to be in Listing of Qualified Assistant Professors
Any ASMS member Assistant Professor (at time of invitation). No individual may receive more than  two sponsored trips under this program.

Eligible Hosts
Any North American MS discussion group. Any North American non-PhD. granting college or university.  No single host should propose more than two ASMS-sponsored events in a calendar year. 

Eligible Expenses
Speaker's personal travel, meals, lodging up to $1,500, until the annual budget for the program is exhausted. No other person or event may benefit from these funds, i.e. group dinner.

Application Process
Host should submit the Local Area Discussion Group Guest Speaker Application Form before the event with speaker information,  name of hosting group, the date of the event, and the estimated number of attendees. The ASMS office will confirm that eligibility requirements are met and that sufficient funds are available prior to approving the proposal.  The speaker can send receipts directly to the ASMS office for reimbursement of eligible expenses, or the host may apply for a refund.