Thursday, January 23, 2025
Loosley organized ski trip, click on this link if interested.
6:00 - 7:00 pm, Registration
7:00 - 7:10 pm, Opening Remarks
7:10 - 8:00 pm, Keynote Lecture, Robert Tampé (Goethe University/Institute of Biochemistry), "Illuminating Cellular Machineries in Adaptive Immunity"
8:00 - 10:00 pm, Reception (bar, light on food)
Friday, January 24, 2025
Coffee, but no breakfast served
8:20 - 10:05 am, Methods: Antibody and Antigen Covalent Structure Characterization (de Novo Sequencing, Glycosylation, Other PTMs) 1
- Neil Kelleher (Northwestern University), "From Antibody-Based Drugs to Ultra-precise Serology Readouts at Single Clone Resolution"
- Parastoo Azadi (Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, U. of Georgia), "Mass Spectrometry Tools for Detailed Characterization of Antibody Glycosylation"
- Shunhai Wang (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals) "Study the Impact of mAb PTMs on Target and Fc Receptor Binding by Affinity-Resolved SEC-MS"
- Linda Lieu (University of Oklahoma), "Enhancing the Localization of Forced Oxidative Products in mAb-Based Therapeutics Using Proton Transfer Charge Reduction"
- John Yates III (The Scripps Research Institute), "DeGlyPHER-ing Site-Specific Distribution of N-Glycans on Candidate Vaccines Against HIV"
10:05- 10:35 am, Coffee Break
10:35 am - 12:05 pm, Applications: Immunopeptidomics
- Jennifer Abelin (Broad Institute), "Sensitive Detection of HLA Presented Antigens via User-Defined Peptide Spectral Libraries"
- Pierre Thibault (University of Montreal), "Hidden Tumor Antigens in Colorectal Cancer: A Proteogenomic Path to Vaccines"
- Nicola Ternette (University of Dundee, Scotland), "Immune-Recognition Of Antibody Drugs"
- Anthony Purcell (Monash University), "Immunopeptidomic Signatures of Viral Infection: Impacts on T Cell Immunogenicity and Disease Susceptibility"
12:05 - 1:00 pm, Lunch (provided by ASMS) and Group Photo
1:00 - 2:35 pm, Methods & Applications: Characterization of Polyclonal Antibodies and Antibodies beyond the γ Isotype
- Keynote speaker: Albert Heck (Utrecht University, Netherlands), "On the Structural and Clonal Peculiarities of IgA and IgM"
- Jiwon Lee (Dartmouth College), "Molecular Deconvolution of Antibody Repertoires Transferred from Mother to Neonate"
- David L. Murray (Mayo Clinic), "Bringing Mass Spectrometry into the Care of Patients with Myeloma"
- Weiwei Peng (The University of Texas, Austin), "Application of Mass Spectrometry on de novo Antibody Sequencing and Fab Profiling"
2:35 - 2:50 pm, Coffee Break
2:50 - 4:00 pm, Methods: Higher Order Structure 1 (HDX, OxidativeLlabeling/FPOP, Other Chemical Labeling Methods, Chemical Cross-Linking and LimitedPproteolysis – Focus on Epitope/Paratope Mapping)
- Keynote speaker: Michael L. Gross (Washington University), "What do MS Methods Teach us about Antigens?"
- Michael Glocker (Universität Rostock), "Intact Transition Epitope Mapping (ITEM)"
- Minh Tran (Vanderbilt University), "Predicting Antibody-Antigen Interactions with Rosetta Using Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Data"
4:00- 7:00 pm, Free Time
7:00 - 9:00 pm, Poster Session I (bar, light on food)
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Coffee, but no breakfast served
8:20 - 9:50 am, Applications: OMICS and Bioinformatics in Immunology 1 (Adaptive and Innate Immune Signaling - Focus on Proteomics)
- Chris Overall (University of British Columbia), "The Great Escape: SARS-CoV-2 Evasion of Antiviral Immunity"
- Bryan Bryson (MIT), "New Approaches for Host-Pathogen Proteomic Profiling"
- Aleksandra Nita-Lazar (NIAID), "Signaling Mechanisms and Protein Networks in Innate Immunity"
- Regan Volk (UC, San Francisco), "Macrophages Redeploy Functional Cancer Cell Surface Proteins Following Phagocytosis"
9:50 - 10:10 am, Coffee Break
10:10 - 11:15 am, Applications: OMICS and Bioinformatics in Immunology 2 (Immune Signaling and Responses - Focus on Lipids and Small Molecules)
- Alison Scott (University of Maryland), "Identification of Novel Mechanistic Targets in Pulmonary Infection Models Using Spatial Lipidomics"
- Jennifer Brodbelt (University of Texas), "Hybrid MS/MS Strategies in Immunology"
- Arthur Declercq (VIB-UGENT), "Unlocking Modified Epitopes through MHC-3PO: A Hybrid AI Framework Leveraging Structural Information for Peptide Binding Predictions"
11:15 am - 7:00 pm, Free Time
7:00 - 9:00 pm, Poster Session II (bar, light on food)
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Coffee, but no breakfast served
8:20 - 9:40 am, Methods: Higher Order Structure 2 (Native MS in Immunology)
- David Clemmer (Megadalton Solutions/Univ. Indiana Bloomington), "IMS, MS, and CDMS studies of Proteasome Structures and Stabilities"
- Guanbo Wang (Peking University, China, Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center), "Resolving the Structural Heterogeneity of Natural Protein Complexes and Recombinant Protein Vaccines by Native MS"
- Dana Auganova (Montana State University), "PEGylation to Decrease Immunogenicity of Anti-HIV Immunotoxins: Analysis by Native Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility"
- Richard Vachet (UMASS, Amherst), "Epitope Mapping of Membrane Proteins in Live Cells Using Covalent Labeling-MS"
9:40 - 10:00 am, Coffee Break
10:00 - 11:40 am, Applications: Autoimmunity, Allergy and Anaphylaxis
- Cheryl Lichti (Washington University), "Oxidative Stress and Type 1 Diabetes Neoantigens"
- Wenhua Yang (Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering), "Characterization of Ovalbumin and Its Monoclonal IgE by Mass Spectrometry"
- Igor Kaltashov (UMass-Amherst), "Understanding the Mechanism of an Adenoviral-Vectored Vaccine Side Effect by Reverse-Engineering of the Pathogenic Antibody"
- Elena Dominguez-Vega (Leiden Univ. Medical Center), "Discriminating Autoimmune Responses in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Autoantibody Fc-Proteoforms and their Association with Disease Activity"
11:40 am - 12:40 pm, Lunch, on your own
12:40 - 2:20 pm, Applications: Host-Pathogen Interactions
- Ileana Cristea (Princeton University), "The Interface between Metabolism and Immunity in a Virus Microenvironment"
- Jennifer Geddes-McAlister (Guelph University), "Dual Perspective Proteome Remodeling of Fungal Infections"
- Boris Macek (University of Tuebingen), "Post-Translational Regulation of Bacterial Stress Response: Focus on Ser/Thr Kinases"
- Peter Metzger (Princeton University), "Spatially Resolved Thermal Profiling Uncovers Virus-Driven Regulation of Proteostasis via Nuclear Sequestration of Translation Machinery"
- Raquel Takaya (Northwestern University), "Exploring the Neutrophil Proteome at Single Cell Resolution Using Single Cell Proteoform Imaging Mass Spectrometry (scPiMS)"
Optional Departures Depending upon Flights.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Departures at Leisure