
Student Work Stipends

ASMS sponsors student work stipends to provide support Masters, Ph.D. or Undergraduate students at the annual conference. Approximately two hundred $300 Work Stipends are offered in exchange for a 6-hour work shift at the conference (assisting with registration, oral and poster sessions, and employment center). The stipend application asks you to indicate preferred day for your 6-hour work shift. Note that when we assign work shifts we take into account the assigned presentation day for your oral or poster.

We have closed the portal to accept new applications for the student work stipends as we have filled all slots. There is a possibility (small) that we will need some additional students to cover others that drop out or any new slots that we need filled. If you would like to be on our waitlist, please complete the form.

We will contact you only in the case that we are able to add to the program. Thank you.



  • Open to all full-time students (undergrad, Master's, or graduate up to Ph.D.) who want a stipend to help offset expenses of attending the annual conference. 
  • Applicant must be presenting author on a submitted abstract. 
  • No more than two students from a research group may apply. If more than two students from one group apply, only the first two applicants will be considered. If you have a large group, please coordinate with your colleague so that only two students submit application forms. If there are more applicants than stipends only the first applicant per group will receive support.


The deadline to apply is February 7, 2025, OR until slots are full. We will close online application early if we have the needed number of applicants for all workshifts.

Looking for Info on the Student Travel Awards?

Visit the Awards section of this website for the Student Awards page. The application deadline is January 15 for both Graduate Travel Awards ($1,000 each) and Undergraduate Student Travel Awards ($500 each).