How are Oral Session Chairs selected?
Selection of the Chairs of oral sessions is a second major duty of the VP of Programs. To avoid repeating oral session Chairs from year to year a guideline of once every five years is followed. So that means there is a constant hunt for fresh faces. Maintaining diversity within the Chairs is also important: age, gender, nationality, career track, etc. Compiling a list of potential Chairs is an ongoing activity of the VP of Programs; many names are suggestions from the post-conference survey, interest group coordinators, and individual members.
PRO-TIP: If you are interested in serving as a session chair, please suggest yourself in the post-conference survey, contact the VP for Programs directly, or the office ( Preference is given to ASMS members. Please include short list of topic areas you are willing to cover. Note: Oral session chairs are selected and finalized in late September. So make yourself know over the summer!